
June 27, 2013

Homemade Pore Strips: Does it Work??

You can call me a skeptic if you want, but I just don't believe everything I find on the internet. Especially now that I am interested in homemade, natural, cleaner, green products and treatments. Enter the Homemade Pore Strip.

I doubted this method from the first time I saw it. Mostly because the actual store bought version of pore strips have never really worked for me. I'd end up with red, irritated skin, peppered with still-clogged-pores. How would a homemade pore strip actually work at removing my stubborn blackheads? I just had to try it. Not to prove anyone wrong, oh no. I am much more mature than that. I just really wanted to find something that would work. It was my last ditch effort to having baby-bottom-smooth pores.

To start out with, it really is a simple recipe. Mix in a disposable cup (because the stuff will turn to snot then harden) 1 TBSP unflavored gelatin and 1-2 TBSP milk of any variety (like whole, skim, or 2%). Yeah I could do that... right??

First of all, a single packet of unflavored gelatin contains just under a tablespoon of powder. Am I really going to open another packet of gelatin for just 2 tsp? No. So recipe revision numero uno: Mix in a disposable cup 1 PACKET unflavored gelatin...

By the way, I used skim milk. Gotta watch those calories somewhere. :)

After mixing it well, microwave it for 10-15 seconds (I did 10 seconds and I think it may have been too long). It will be kind of chunky after mixing and creamy after microwaving. Apply IMMEDIATELY to desired pore unclogging zone. The original post mentions how it can be used all over the face. I do not necessarily recommend this. As you can see applying the goop can be tricky.
 I don't know if the mixture was too wet or too microwaved, but it wanted to fall off my face like the half-rotted flesh of an undead man.

Not attractive, but it was all there. Actually, I had some left over. I mixed it around and around (alright I played with it) while it got all snotty and flubbery in the cup as I waited the mixture to dry on my face. What can I say? I must still be 12.

So I ended up putting it all over my face which, like I said before, I do not necessarily recommend. At least if you do, try to apply the mixture in an even thickness. I went a little thin in some spots than others so it didn't set up evenly. If you have more natural grace than I do it may go better for you. But absolutely avoid the eye area. I know this should probably go without saying, but I attempted this experiment after 10pm and really wish someone had said it to me. Do not apply within a 3-6 inch radius of the eye including the eyebrow. Some dripped on my eyelid and that was not comfortable. And when I removed the gunk some stayed behind and hardened and hurt. Also, removing the pore strip also removed the eyebrow hair above my plucking line. I almost lost the whole eyebrow. Not even joking.

OK! So after I got it all on I waited close 25 minuted before removing. Basically, when it wasn't super sticky to touch and it felt like my skin was too small for my face I started the removal process. How it went: Painfully. I grabbed around the edges, looking for a way to "sheet" it off my face. It was slow-going at first, but then I could pull more off at a time. It didn't matter if I went slowly or super fast (like waxing), it was an uncomfortable, slightly painful experience. Another reason not to apply to the whole face. So if you are looking for a relaxing, spa-like, blackhead removing experience, this is not it. But I digress. I got all the pore strip off and rinsed with cool water.

 After it was all said and done I have to say............drum roll please..... I liked it!!! It really did unclog my stubborn pores! I didn't think it would but it did. It didn't do much for the rest of my face that doesn't have blackhead issues, so the next time I use it I think I will apply ONLY to my problem area. Not the whole face.

The homemade pore strip is effective at reducing the size and appearance of pores as well removing blackheads. My face was never tingling, or itching, or red, or had swollen patches (all side effects of past over the counter blackhead treatments I had used). The day after I used I even noticed how diminished some of my irritated acne had become, kind of like the strip mixture pulled out the cause of the acne and now my skin is healing. So, here it is in recipe form. I hope you try it! I think you'll like it. :)

Homemade Pore Strip Mixture
1 packet unflavored gelatin (approx. 1 TBSP)
2 TBSP milk, any variety
  1. Combine gelatin and milk in disposable container.
  2. Microwave for 10 seconds; mix well.
  3. Apply immediately to face with Popsicle stick. It will be messy and require finesse since you have to be quick about it, but its worth it.
  4. Wait 15-25 minutes and peel off. Mixture will remove in chunks or sections making you look like a zombie.
  5. Rinse with cool water and pat dry.
  6. Refrain from using any toners or cleansers or makeup directly afterwards. Don't want to undo all that cleaning work. :)
Thanks to my mom Kimberlee Brooks for the photo helps! 

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